Pakistan, Sept. 27 -- Shah Rukh Khan has shared a video of a child with his face covered in bandages, just like his character in Jawan. The user wrote, "@iamsrk How's the look of a little jawan? and the background score means "Good to go chief." In response, SRK tweeted: "Very sweet!!! Big hugs from Chief to little #Jawan." Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan has become one of the highest grossing Bollywood film of all time. Take a look at how SRK reacted to a young fan dressed in his Jawan character. Shah Rukh Khan has delivered two blockbusters this year with the movies, Pathaan and Jawan. The latter was released recently and has entered the 1,000 crore club globally at the box office. Amid its warm response, SRK took to Twitter to thank his f...
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