Nairobi, March 1 -- February was a month of mixed fortunes for Kenya.

It was the month when world marathon record holder Kelvin Kiptum died in a tragic road accident and when ODM leader Raila Odinga announced his candidacy for the chairmanship of the African Union Commission.

An explosion at a gas plant in Embakasi killed 12 people and fugitive Kevin Kang'ethe was arrested, escaped and was recaptured.

Here are the stories that made headlines in February:

1. Kelvin Kiptum's death

Kelvin Kiptum, the world marathon record holder, was tragically killed in a car accident in Kenya at the age of 24. His death, along with that of his coach Gervais Hakizimana, sent shockwaves around the sporting world. Kiptum was remembered as a humble, jovia...