Nairobi, Feb. 26 -- Azimio leader Raila Odinga's bid for the chairmanship of the African Union Commission (AUC) has sparked an intense battle among his lieutenants to take over his mantle as the doyen of Luo Nyanza politics.

The tug-of-war has even roped in members of his family, who appear divided on who should succeed him as the Luo Nyanza political supremo.

On Friday last week, Mr Odinga's wife, Ida, who was speaking in Homa Bay County, rooted for Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) National Chairman John Mbadi as the best-placed to succeed her husband.

Also Read: Raila succession talk grows following Oburu's remarks

On the other hand, Dr Oburu Oginga, Mr Odinga's elder brother and the family spokesman, had backed National Assembly Mi...