Nairobi, March 14 -- The High Court has temporarily restrained a businesswoman from interfering in a 66-acre parcel of land valued at over Sh4.6 billion in the up-market Karen suburb.

Justice Oguttu Mboya's injunction bars Ms Dorcas Joan Kiptoo from interfering by selling, or disposing of the vast land of the late Kanji Naran Patel managed by his son Arvind Kanji Patel.

Justice Mboya certified as urgent the case filed by Mr Patel in the Environment Lands Court in Nairobi and directed all parties to appear before him on March 18 2024.

Read: New twist in ownership of Sh8 billion Karen land

"That an order of interim injunction to restrain Dorcas Joan Kiptoo and two others either by herself, her servants and or her agents acting on her be...