Uganda, March 10 -- Well, my esteemed readers and fellow perpetual explorers of the world through the agency of the Word: I could have very easily ended the above abridged list of Uganda's historical and theatrical political parties with Uganda Peoples Congress (UPC), but as you will quickly realise - the said "UPC" and "etc." rhyme perfectly! (Yuu-pii-si, Ii-tii-si.) And so "etc." will serve our present purpose very well. Luckily, I hear you agreeing with me.

(I know there are pronunciation pundits who will quickly tell you that the two [UPC and etc.] are not "perfect" rhymes but "half" rhymes! That it is to say, that it is only the -PC and -TC that have a semblance of sounding similar - for enticing the ear? - but not so with the initi...