Uganda, March 5 -- An audit by the Auditor General into the operations of the Parliamentary Commission has unearthed multiple irregularities including the diversion of billions of shillings, unverified staff and payroll inconsistencies.

In a report for the year ending June 2023, Mr John Muwanga, the Auditor General, red-flagged a diversion of Shs1.2b "irregularly diverted from the activities on which they were budgeted and spent on other activities".

The auditors, according to the report, were unable to verify 39 staff employed by the Commission.

"Out of 577 employees on the Parliamentary Commission May 2023 permanent salary payroll, a total of 556 (96.4 percent) were fully verified, while 21 (3.6 percent) did not show up. Out of 121 e...