Nairobi, April 4 -- Out of all the business films I've watched, Wall Street 2 has to be among my top 10. Superb acting, quotable one-liners, it's always a joy watching. Unnecessarily long though (logs in two hours of playtime), it packs some good food for thought.

Recall Gordon Gekko giving a speech to university students and calling them the "Ninja generation". No income, No Job. No assets?" Isn't this still true? I liked the "Green is the new bubble" line mostly because it reflects the usual corporate hypocrisy.

But it's the remix of his famous line (found in the first instalment), "I once said greed is good. Now it seems it's legal," that always captures the mood. Today I borrow from a conversation Gekko's son-in-law (played by Shia ...