Srinagar, Feb. 29 -- AIG (Crime & Complaints) PHQ J&K, Shri Sh. Jatinder Singh Johar has been awarded DG BPR&D Commendation Disc in an investiture Ceremony held at BPR&D Headquarters today.

In the year-2022, various Committees were constituted by the BPR&D MHA, Gol for evaluation of various premier Police Training Academies/Institutions of the Country for award of Union Home Minister's Trophy for the best Training Institutions for the year 2021-22. Sh. Jatinder Singh Johar-IPS, the then AIG(Trgs/Policy) PHQ J&K was selected as Member of Southern Zone Committee constituted for evaluation of the participating Training Institutions of four states viz Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh/Telangana & Tamil Nadu. The Committee had accordingly con...