Dhaka, March 18 -- Navana Real Estate Limited has been accused of not handing over parts of a building in Dhaka's Bijoynagar to landowners five years after its construction ended.

The landowners have alleged a breach of contract and rules by Navana, while customers of different floors say they have not received ownership documents.

The construction of Navana FH Solaris with 14 floors, including two basements, at 198 Syed Nazrul Islam Sharani began on the 668.67 square metre piece of land in 2013 and ended in 2019.

AFM Harris, a guerilla fighter of the 1971 Liberation War and one of the landowners, said his father AFMA Halim bought the land in 1956. Harris and his brothers QA Halim, AFMA Hye and AFMA Hanif, heirs to AFMA Halim, owned th...