



Fossil fuels still dominate global energy, with Global North leading the production, report finds

India, June 27 -- SRWE report highlights persistent dominance of fossil fuels despite surge in renewables The world has reached record rates of primary energy consumption in 2023, up by 2 per cent fr... Read More

Bonn Climate Conference 2024: Differences remain on Global Stocktake outcomes

India, June 10 -- What stands out ultimately is the lack of commitment from any major bloc to definitively lead the fossil fuel transition At the 28 th Conference of Parties (COP28) to the United Nat... Read More

Bonn Climate Conference 2024: 3rd Glasgow dialogue flags need for loss & damage cooperation

India, June 8 -- Global South voices lead call for clearer coordination, stronger mechanisms The third Glasgow Dialogue on Loss and Damage took place at the 60th Session of the Subsidiary Bodies (SB6... Read More