



Fertiliser scam: Lone battle for CS Mithika Linturi as Ruto allies sell him down river

Nairobi, May 3 -- Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi is a man under siege, with government-leaning MPs appearing to have abandoned him in his hour of need. On Thursday, the impeachment mot... Read More

National Assembly approves motion to kick out CS Mithika Linturi

Nairobi, May 2 -- The National Assembly Thursday approved a motion to dismiss Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi. A total of 149 MPs voted in favour of the motion, while 36 voted against. ... Read More

Linturi's hour of reckoning as MPs debate impeachment bid

Nairobi, May 2 -- The fate of beleaguered Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi will be decided in the National Assembly plenary today. The Speaker of the National Assembly, Moses Wetang'ula,... Read More

Petition wants MPs to audit NLC compensation cash

Nairobi, April 30 -- An activist has petitioned the National Assembly seeking a forensic audit of billions of shillings allocated to the National Lands Commission (NLC) for compensation of persons who... Read More

Poor planning! MPs blame government over floods' deaths

Nairobi, April 30 -- Members of Parliament (MPs) have apportioned blame on both the National and County governments for failing to adequately plan to deal with the outcome of the heavy rains. In an a... Read More

CS Linturi's goose appears cooked as Speaker Wetang'ula approves impeachment Motion

Nairobi, April 30 -- Speaker of the National Assembly Moses Wetang'ula has approved a motion by Bumula MP Jack Wamboka seeking to impeach agriculture Cabinet Secretary Mithika Linturi. Mr Wetang'ula ... Read More