


How to lose weight without fad diets: 9 tips

New Delhi, July 25 -- Carrying extra weight can put too much pressure on you, both mentally and physically. It can hamper your self-confidence and increase your risk of chronic health diseases like ty... Read More

10 tips to prevent food poisoning in monsoon

New Delhi, July 20 -- Even if it is a slight drizzle or a heavy downpour, monsoon brings along with it a refreshing change in weather. However, the risk of getting foodborne illnesses also spikes dras... Read More

The signs and side effects of a fragile ego - and how to deal with it

New Delhi, July 19 -- We all live with insecurities, and it is normal to have them. However, what matters more is how you think about yourself despite having those self-defined shortcomings. Do you ac... Read More

9 ways to stop fantasizing and get real!

New Delhi, July 17 -- Fantasizing can be described as escapism from an unpleasant real world to a more exciting and acceptable illusionary world. But if you catch yourself daydreaming more than you ar... Read More

Hunger pangs or cravings: What's the difference?

India, July 16 -- Ever get a sudden urge to eat something? How to know if it is actually hunger or simply a craving for specific foods? While it may seem similar, hunger may be driven by physiological... Read More

Hunger pangs or cravings: What's the difference?

India, July 16 -- Ever get a sudden urge to eat something? How do you know if what you are feeling is actually hunger or simply a craving for specific foods? On the surface, this may seem like the sam... Read More

Are you hungry or simply craving something special? Here's how to tell the difference

New Delhi, July 15 -- When you feel a sudden urge to eat something, how do you know what you are feeling is actually hunger or simply a craving for a specific food? This digestive confusion may seem t... Read More

How to flirt: 9 flirting to woo your love interest respectfully

New Delhi, July 13 -- Feeling attracted towards someone is a mixed feeling that can be exciting and intimidating all at once. When you develop a liking for someone, you may often be left wondering wha... Read More

What is fart walk, the fitness trend that promotes digestion after a meal?

New Delhi, July 12 -- The virtues ofbrisk walking, slow walk, jogging and running are all too well-known, but what is this new viral trend, fart walk? Yes, you read that right! It is a post-meal walk ... Read More

Why drinking beetroot juice during menopause may be healthy

New Delhi, July 9 -- Experiencing hot flashes, mood swings and hormonal fluctuations are not the only downsides of hitting menopause. There is a lot more. A woman's heart health can also be at a risk ... Read More