



From BRICS to BRICS plus: Old partners and new stakeholders

India, March 8 -- Multilateral institutions reflect the power realities of the time of their inception. As the balance of those power realities change, so too, does their efficacy become a matter of i... Read More

Economic rationale for India to maintain ties with Russia

India, March 7 -- Russia is now the world's most heavily sanctioned country, with unprecedented punitive action targeting its energy exports, central bank, and other sectors. Given Russia's economic r... Read More

Understanding and tackling urban floods in India

India, March 6 -- Given their frequent recurrence in Indian cities, the problem of urban flooding is gaining focus in policy discussions. Indeed, urban floods can cause massive loss of infrastructure,... Read More

A feminist approach to gender-based violence policymaking in India

India, Feb. 26 -- India's social structure, with enduring gender inequalities rooted in patriarchal norms, plays a significant role in perpetuating gender-based violence (GBV). Women in India have bee... Read More

Cybersecurity threats in online gaming: Learnings for India

India, Feb. 8 -- This brief examines the rapid growth of the global online gaming industry and the consequent increase in cyber threats. Issues such as microtransactions, money laundering, and predato... Read More

Strengthening India's global influence through public diplomacy

India, Feb. 7 -- This brief tackles the crucial role of public diplomacy in enhancing India's global influence. It argues that India should exert effort to communicate its rich cultural heritage and e... Read More