


6 healthy halwa recipes to sweeten your Holi celebrations!

New Delhi, March 23 -- Halwa is a sweet dish that is prepared during special occasions. Or sometimes simply because you or someone in the family has a sweet tooth! The key ingredient is usually cooked... Read More

Cocoa butter or shea butter: What's better for dry skin?

New Delhi, March 23 -- If you have dry skin, body butter must be your best friend. It is a moisturiser that uses fats to make skin soft and smooth. There are different types of body butters. Shea butt... Read More

What does your heart rate say - and when should you worry

New Delhi, March 23 -- Your heart rate is a fundamental measure of cardiovascular health. Your heartbeat can change from fast to slow depending on what you do or feel in a certain moment. Stress, horm... Read More

Arthritis during pregnancy: Can joint inflammation affect your baby?

New Delhi, March 22 -- Arthritis is known for affecting joints throughout the body. Pregnant women with arthritis may feel more pain and discomfort in the knees or spine due to the additional weight. ... Read More

Perms may cause hair loss, so think before you go for curls using chemicals

New Delhi, March 20 -- Many women are born with curly or wavy hair. Others, naturally have straight hair. Whether it is for a special occasion or just to change the look, women like to style their hai... Read More

World Oral Health Day: My mom says tea tree oil fights bad breath

New Delhi, March 19 -- Whether it is after a meal full of raw onions or waking up in the morning, we have all experienced bad breath at some point of time. Bacteria in the mouth is usually the cause o... Read More

Why does the immune system get weaker during period?

New Delhi, March 19 -- Menstruation is not just about period cramps, bloating, constipation or pain in the thighs, back and legs. Women may also experience cold and cough before or during their period... Read More

How to do box jumps: Tips for beginners

New Delhi, March 19 -- Box jumps, a classic plyometric exercise that requires you to jump on an elevated box-like structure, can hugely improve lower body strength. But it may be intimidating for peop... Read More

International Day of Happiness: 9 tips to increase positive emotions

New Delhi, March 19 -- Emotions like happiness, joy, hope and excitement need to be experienced to live a truly healthy life. Even science backs this connection between positive emotions and health. S... Read More

Are black beans healthy to eat?

New Delhi, March 18 -- Black beans are not only tasty, but also nutritious. They are full of nutrients such as fiber and protein that can help in weight management and keep your gut healthy. The small... Read More