Surabaya, E Java, July 13 -- Surabaya Mayor Tri Rismaharini has led an intensified public awareness campaign on the importance of consistently wearing face masks and implementing other preventive measures to break the chain of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the city.

Accompanied by several officials from Surabaya's regional apparatus organization (OPD) and those from the city police and public order agency (Satpol PP), Rismaharini made her impromptu visit to several markets and neighborhoods around the city on Sunday.

She was riding a motorcycle during her impromptu visit to such places as Pakis, Krempyeng Putat Jaya, Mbok Abang, Ghanok, Soponyono, and Paing markets as well as the neighborhood areas of Banyu Urip Kidul, Simo Gu...