KUALA LUMPUR, April 24 -- Romantic sci-fi film Imaginur is looking to hypnotise English and French audiences this May.

Limited screening events happening in London and Paris, will also be paired with live concerts by singer-songwriter Amir Jahari after the recent success of the theme song from the soundtrack in Hasrat winning the recent Anugerah Juara Lagu 38 (AJL 38) last month.

Another Malaysian singer Nana Sheme will be opening for Amir's showcase in both cities.

The screenings will begin in London on May 18 at the BFI Imax cinema with the film being scheduled for two screenings there between 1pm to 5pm.

This is followed by Amir's concert taking place at The Mermaid Auditorium later that evening.

The Paris screenings will take pla...