Monrovia, May 10 -- President Joseph Boakai last week clocked one hundred days in office, bragging of undertaking massive developments during the period, including undertaking major road corridor projects totaling about 783.5 km in Bong, Lofa, Bomi, Gbarpolu, Rivergee, Grand Bassa, Sinoe, Maryland, and Grand Kru Counties.

President Weah also said his administration has made strides in meeting targets in education during his regime's 100 days. However, opinions are divided as some Liberians believe President Boakai's predecessor, George Weah, achieved a lot compared to Boakai.

FrontPage Africa gauged the views of Liberians regarding the performances of President Boakai and the former Liberian leader.

Leroy Achie Ponpon, Rights Activist...