


Paris summit on clean cooking in Africa ends with $2.2 billion in global pledges

India, May 15 -- Each year, more than 600,000 people in Africa die prematurely from respiratory diseases triggered by dirty cooking practices The inaugural Summit on Clean Cooking in Africa held in P... Read More

Apple faces allegations of using 'blood minerals' from war-torn Democratic Republic of the Congo

India, April 30 -- DRC's mineral-rich eastern region, home to tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold, has been plagued by violence for decades The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has warned United Stat... Read More

Baobab reforestation efforts show rapid impact in Madagascar

India, April 10 -- Down To Earth speaks to two scientists on efforts to conserve the iconic trees of the world's fourth-largest island Baobab trees in Madagascar. Photo: iStock In a groundbreaking c... Read More

World Bank study reveals high temperatures linked to lower exam scores in Ethiopia

India, April 1 -- Students exposed to higher temperatures during the school year, particularly on exam days, tend to perform worse than their cooler-climate counterparts There is a growing understand... Read More

CAR refugees face hardship and uncertainty both at home and abroad

France, March 31 -- Of the 300,000 refugees who have fled to Cameroon from the Central African Republic, most arrived with painful memories of their lives inthe CAR. But displacement has added to thei... Read More

'Lianas threaten Earth's carbon sinks'

India, March 20 -- Field ecologist Alain Ngute explains how lianas have lower carbon sequestering capacity than trees & when they compete for sunlight in the canopy, they suppress trees Source: iStoc... Read More